Wisconsin Muskie Tour
Tooth Tamer
Super D
Dream Catcher
Fittante Taxidermy

Lac Vieux Desert
This vast Wisconsin-Michigan border lake has a reputation of producing big fish in it's fertile waters. Many large muskies are caught here annually, with even world record class muskies being produced to its credit.

Lac Vieux Desert sprawls for 4300 surface acres and reaches depths of 42 feet. The prominent fish species are musky and walleye, but many anglers also pursue abundant perch and crappies. A northern pike can be had also on these waters.

Early season muskies on Lac Vieux Desert are attracted to smaller #5 blade bucktails and safety pin style spinners. Silver blades dressed with natural color hair work well early in the clearer waters of spring. Later in the season when the lake becomes murkier, fluorescent orange and chartreuse become more effective along with copper blades.

Jerk baits work well all season long, especially in black and perch colors. Again, smaller baits of 6"-7" lengths work well in the first few weeks of the season, progressing to 8"-12" baits.

Prop baits, creepers and walk-the-dog style top water lures work well in low light conditions, especially on Lac Vieux Desert's vast weed beds. Large amounts of muskies congregate here, including some big fish. the weeds are so vast that muskie fishing on the flats can be like finding the proverbial needle in a hay stack. Fishing for muskies here becomes a numbers game, the more casts you make, the better you odds in contacting active fish.

Crank baits have picked up in popularity in the area, twitched along and within the weeds and over the many rock humps (most of these rock humps are known only to the locals or anglers who have put their time on this water). Along with concentrating your fishing efforts on the weed flats, points and rock humps, the saddles between the chain of islands and their points will also provide some hot action.

Fall fishing on Lac Vieux Desert can produce the largest muskies of the year. Large suckers on quick strike rigs and big jerk baits are the weapons of choice.

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